Newton 2.0x Archemedia Open Beta

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Newton 2.0x Archemedia Open Beta

Postby Julio Jerez » Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:42 am

SDK 2.33 is now ready, in google code.
This implement the first pass an a simpel destruction

Newton now is open source and hoosted in google code.

This version remove all OpenGl dependecies from scen library,
also compile with C7 Compatibel debug information so that not pdg files are needed by teh linker.
It is also teh alst version using MFC, MFC is very good for window app, but no very good for crss plaform and I have to spend too much time
learninbg GUI for oteh platform.
Newton versions after this will use the LPGL version of Qt which seem teh must proffesinal of the free GUIs

Revert back to Visual studion 2008
Visual studio 2010 is too buggy for prime time, it is no backwrodk compatible, and it teh bash build funtionality doe no work at all,
This may be the last version of Newton using Visual studio, futher version will use eithr GCC or Intel compiler
Thsi s a prublic service for those hwo are on teh fance and wnat to buy Visual studio 2010, please do not.
Give yor self a favor and do not waste you money byu visual stiduo 2010, because it is useless for anything more complex than a "Hello world program"

Also added the 64 bit libraries

This version is compiled with VS 2010.
Vs2010 generate exe that at about 3 to 5 % faster that VS 2008
Bu the same exe are about 15% bigger in size.
There is also one interface change function NewtonCreateBody now tak ethe point to a matrix as the third argument

NewtonBody* NewtonCreateBody (const NewtonWorld* newtonWorld, const NewtonCollision* collision, const dFloat* matrix);

This is in an effort to bring newton 2.00 to be forward compatible with 3.00
The si an optimixatujon of the brophase collision in 3.00 that requires to knowing the location of the body when it goin to be added to the brodphase collision.
This does not apply to 2.00 but in is nessesary in order to make 3.00 a dropin replacement for 2.xx
The reason the project is buidl with VS 2010 is that VS 2010 now sopport the upcommimg advance Vector instrution form Intel and AMD,
Thio instrution set will bring CPU preformcne on par with GPU without the develeopet having to bend ove backwork rewriting algorthm so tha the can be Render in and GPU.
If the ABX instruction set come close to 50% of the top GPU, that mean the end of the end High perfomcne computing in Graphiscs hardwere, as it sodul be.
Anyway here is 2.28, It does not has AVX code yet.

added raycast callback for heightfeild collision.
also the raycast callback for collision tree now report the body and the collisionn pointer.
there are the tow prototypes now.
Code: Select all
typedef dFloat (*NewtonCollisionTreeRayCastCallback) (const NewtonBody* const body, const NewtonCollision* const treeCollision, dFloat interception, dFloat* normal, int faceId, void* usedData);
typedef dFloat (*NewtonHeightFieldRayCastCallback) (const NewtonBody* const body, const NewtonCollision* const heightFieldCollision, dFloat interception, int row, int col, dFloat* normal, int faceId, void* usedData);
also the wiki beginner tutorials are updated

This version has Raycast bug fixes plus all the libraries are build for linux.
the linux elf is just the framework based on fre version of QT, (the use need to install Qt-Dev in thsi system)

-Added more functionality to file format.
-the SDK now added a Thread class for running task in the background asynchronous with the main thread. This is use to run the Physics in a separate thread from the application.
Physics update at a fix frame rate while the graphics run as fast as it can.
I also have an example-l for perfect smooth interpolation of visual entities
This is very good for system with multicourse and multiprocessor, because the physics can be run in one core taking a full frame, while the time spent in the graphics in not modified at all.
This class is implemented also in OgreNewt.
-Introduce the first pass at Blender plugin (in phyton) that export and import alchemedia files.
-Fixed bodies stopping when the velocity felt below 0.03 units per second, even if they were not in auto sleep, now body will not stops
-Fixed closest distance between two shapes failed on compound shapes.
-fixed Ray cast routines now report the correct collision ID
-fixed Ray cast collision ID on compound collision now retrun the correct sub shapeID.

Last version before I remove wxWidgets. Version 2.25 will have native GUI on each platform,
After more than five years searching for cross platform GUIs, I realize that all the guess fall several generation behind the Native OS in feature,
although some are better the others, the reality is that they are full of Bugs, many have very big install base plus a difficult learning curve for a demo.
For all these reasons I found out that the time spent learning a cross platform GUI is better spend learning the Native GUI that comes with the native OS in the platform.
Basically a third party open source GUI, provides a lower common denominator set of feature, but what people do not realize is that you also get “a lower common denomination application”.

For those reason the Next version will not use any third Party GUI, but I am releasing this version because there are several bug fixes, plus the Max and Linux build were a little behind the window build.

This version fixed a couple of reported bugs.
Raycast prefilter on compound collision was not working. There was other bug I do not remember.
It also introduces a previow of the upcoming editor and alchemida file format. All functionality is plug in.
So far you can only load and save Collada files, load and save newton xml, and can load Valve Map file brushes. You can only load and select objects in the 3d view and in the explores.

This version fixes a collision bug that in some case generate bogus optimized faces, this happens when an optimized face have long edges with many collinear point along the edge. This bug was reported by rvangaal

It also fix a bug with continue collision when convex shape has a center of mass far away from the geometrical origin. Sweep collision was predicting the collision point by plotting the matrix origin, but when the center of mass was relatively far away from the origin, the path of the shape is not the path of the origin. This bug was bad especially with small convex hull shapes travelling at high speed.
The bug is fixed by making the shape follow the path of the center of mass and not the path of the matrix origin. Bug found by Leadwerk team.

Note in this version the raycast car is commented out because it is being reworked.

This version has some minor Bug fixes plus it introduces the Skeleton of what will be the Newton Editor for Content Creation.
Newton Editor is still very early stage, and it is there to gather opinion about the looks a feels of the interface.

This version have a significant improvement in stability with collision collsion tress with faces that are very large or too oblong.
It also impelment a faster quick collision tree build when no optimization is used.
note: this vertion requieres all pre serialized collision trees, and hieghmap collision to be re-serialized.

// fixed a bug when casting shapes wich produce only one contact when colliding with compound collisions.
// the linux build now has separate makefiles that create separate static libraries

Ok I finally got a stable build for all platform that compile without errors using WxWidgets
There is still a lot of work to do, but until I get a robust build I do not want to continues adding features to teh SDk or to the interface.
People using Linux need to get the libraries: glew, GTK, pcrep, boost and boost-system
there are some issue withWxWidget and Mac OS10, the same default values that work fine on PC and Linux do not seem to work on Mac,
I have a problem with real time update of the GLCanvas, and also the zbuffer rendering seems to be off, as soon as I find out the solution I will fix then.
Or even better maybe some one with more experience in WxWidget and Mac OSX can tell me the solution.

Finally got WxWidget working correctly in Linux 32 and 64
This is a Kickoff build to introduce the new Face of the Newton SDK, it uses WxWidgets and the Collada befomes the File Format of the Newton SDK.
Still a lot of work to do in but ends plus need to add all the demos to the viewer but this is an important mile stone.
It also brings the SDK to the same level of the windows version.

This version makes improvement on the player controller joint, making it more stable specially when the player is wedge on corners

This version fixes a crash bug when bodies leave the world and they are re-inserted back into the world.

This version include the a new project to build the SDK libraries plus it also included precompiled SDK libraries

Made the memory manager thread safe, now mutiples newton worlds can run in separate threads at teh application level,
plus each newtor world can also be set to run parallel microthreads internally.
on a side note, I do not know why by the linux 64 version seems to run like 5 to 10 time faster than any other version.
The destruction demo takes about 15 secunds to build the database in win64, but the linux 64 does in like 2 or 3 secunds, I verified several time if there is a bug and each time the results is repeated.
I do not know why by I take it.

this is version replaces 2.11 (ther were few bug due to some refactroing toll) Plus if you are using 2.11 get 2.12
The destruction is not fully completed yet but there are some important bug fixes

Ok this is part one of the feature I was working tha pass two weeks, it is not fully completed since I still do not have the complex destruction yet but that will come with next Beta,
In the meantime, here it something something for those interested.

Because I underestimate the time that will take me to implement the feature I am working on, and there are 5 or 6 bug fixed that some people are waiting for, I am releasing beta 2.09
I thought I was going to be ready in the last Labor Day long week end but I was wrong.
Hopefully in one more week I will be ready to introduce it with Beta 2.10

The performance gains are as follow fo rtshi eversion are
PC 30% faster in 32 bit mode when using x87 mode (SSE is marginally faster)
Mac 200% faster than any other previous version of Newton on Intel Mac.
Linux 200% faster in all versions (32 and 64 bit).
Linux for some inexplicable reason had become the fastest version of Newton ever.
Twice as fast the windows and a bit faster than the Mac, although I cannot verify this since my PC run at a faster speed than my Mac Pro.
My guess is that they both are the same speed since they are build with GCC 4.3.1 with the same compiling options.
For the Iphone I do not know but I am usin teh same GCC flags, so maybe we also getting a 3 fold speed up (yea like that is going to happen, but it will be nice)

This perfects the Player Controller joint and the also fixes the Camera bug in the SDK demos.
Now player Controller should runsvery smooth all over the level mesh.

This fixes all laster bugs for all platform.
It added some more Joints to the C library, plus the Player Controller is now functional.
The IPhone is now builds with Mac SDK 3.0, so it should be much faster on 3G iPhones and secund generation iPots

note: the camera bug in the SDK makes the player controller looks bad, you should check it out in the WIKI tutorials.

This 2.06 beta fixes the Invalidate cache bug plus teh crash bug using SSE, It also add and optimization of the broad phase that should make the collision appreciable faster and more robust,
especially in scenes with many clustered objects.
Thanks to Mark from the forum for point out the Bug and exposing it it.

Now I am ready to complete the Car in the tutorials

The first installment the begginers tutorials are on the wiki, this includes fully working IPhone/Ipot touch tutorial
Begginers Tutorials

Beta 2.04

There is an interface change in the collision creation function that now takes the shape ID as construction parameter.
This is necessary for using the collision shape as material ID. This allows for the creation for unified material system the can use per body and per shape IDs.
There is a problem with the Player controller camera in the SDK demos; this is due to the Camera update being called before the Physics update which make the camera
go one frame behind the Scene. Changing that order breaks all other other demos, so for now I let stay that way.
There is some modification on the Car joint, the demo is still incomplete, but the completion of these demos will not affect the Engine.

Ok I put the Beta 2.03 (only the PC build for now)

It fixes the Bug with the Ray cast car the only allowed set car oriented along the x local axis, now the chassis matrix that define the car orientation works as it should.
With this feature the use will not have a physically rotate the car geometry, setting the proper chassis matrix will do the trick.

For example to create a car joint with a car moving along the x axis you can do this
1 0 0 0 // car direction of motion in local space
0 1 0 0 // up vector In local space
0 0 1 0 // tire rotation axis in local space
0 0 0 1 // always zero vector

// if your can geometry is oriented alone the z asis , then you set the chassis matrix to this
0 0 1 0 // car direction of motion in local space
0 1 0 0 // up vector In local space
-1 0 0 0 // tire rotation axis in local space
0 0 0 1 // always zero vector

The Beta also introduces the framework for the upcomming Visual debugger.

These are the link for each of the supported platforms
The Mac contain the Iphone and Ipot touch libraries. The Mac build should run out of the Box on Lepard with xcode 3.0 or better
These libraries replace the 2.00 SDK wich had a bug where bodies adquired a double speed if they collide with more than one static body at the once.
It also fixes an occational Ray cast bug when picking bodies.

These are the link for each of the supported platforms ... n-2.00.rar ... ... .00.tar.gz ... .00.tar.gz


The Mac contain the Iphone and Ipot touch libraries (solver is specially optimized).

Here is a small demonstraction of what is in stock in turn of game play, and performace of Netwon2
// Multibody Car demo
Multi Rigid Body Car Preview

// RaycastCar and ConvexCastCar demo
RayCast/ConvexCast Car Preview

This is courtesy of Master Dave Gravel (Master K00m)
It shows an assortment of RayCast and ConvexCast cars in a typical terrain and roads with few box to play around, the fiffrent cars driving model are expected to behave like vehicles in any high quality commercial game.
The source code for the exact car joint of the demo in included with the 2.0 SDK
Last edited by manny on Tue Sep 09, 2014 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: outdated link
Julio Jerez
Posts: 12253
Joined: Sun Sep 14, 2003 2:18 pm
Location: Los Angeles

Re: Newton 2.0 Archemedia Open Beta

Postby martinsm » Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:01 pm can not be downloaded. File not found.
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Re: Newton 2.0 Archemedia Open Beta

Postby Julio Jerez » Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:54 pm

sorry the extention was zip, and it is a rar file. try again please
Julio Jerez
Posts: 12253
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Re: Newton 2.0 Archemedia Open Beta

Postby jay3d » Tue Jan 20, 2009 4:22 am

Thanks for the links :)

i've seen before in older betas the breakable bodies sample, but now no more :(

where is it?

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Re: Newton 2.0 Archemedia Open Beta

Postby Julio Jerez » Tue Jan 20, 2009 12:22 pm

It is commented out for teh tiem bieng, when I change the mesh format it broke, It will be back soon, with more pawaaaa beleive me.
Julio Jerez
Posts: 12253
Joined: Sun Sep 14, 2003 2:18 pm
Location: Los Angeles

Re: Newton 2.0 Archemedia Open Beta

Postby predaeus » Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:04 pm

Julio can we please get shares libraries (.so) for Linux32/64. This would potentially allow good Newton support for the Digital Mars D ( programming language through Derelict (

There is also some talk about that here viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4933&p=35396#p35396 and here
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Joined: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:49 am

Re: Newton 2.0 Archemedia Open Beta

Postby martinsm » Wed Jan 21, 2009 12:25 pm

I think you can create shared library from static library yourself in linux. Just run:
Code: Select all
g++ -shared -o libNewton.a
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Re: Newton 2.0 Archemedia Open Beta

Postby predaeus » Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:14 pm

thanks, this seems to do it

Code: Select all
g++ -shared -Wl,-Bstatic,--whole-archive -o libNewton.a -Wl,-Bdynamic,--no-whole-archive

now to get it to load...
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Re: Newton 2.0 Archemedia Open Beta

Postby predaeus » Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:45 am

When I generate the shared object with the command above and try to compile a simple test application I get:

Code: Select all
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "Newton.h"

int main(int argc, char** argv)
   NewtonWorld* world = NewtonCreate(NULL, NULL);
   return 0;

Code: Select all
$ gcc -x c++ test.c -o test -L. -lNewton
./ undefined reference to `dgCollision::rtti'
./ undefined reference to `dgPolygonSoupDatabase::rtti'
./ undefined reference to `dgCollision::dgCollision(void (*)(void*, void*, unsigned int), void*)'
./ undefined reference to `pthread_create'
./ undefined reference to `dgRayPolygonIntersect(dgVector const&, dgVector const&, dgVector const&, float const*, int, int const*, int)'
./ undefined reference to `dgConvexCollision::rtti'
./ undefined reference to `dgWorld::CreatePolygonSoup(dgPolysoupCreation const&)'
./ undefined reference to `dgWorld::CreateFromSerialization(int, dgCollisionID, void (*)(void*, void*, unsigned int), void*)'
./ undefined reference to `pthread_join'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Inspecting the .so:
Code: Select all
$ nm -u
         U _IO_putc@@GLIBC_2.0
         w _Jv_RegisterClasses
         U _Unwind_Resume@@GCC_3.0
         U _Z21dgRayPolygonIntersectRK8dgVectorS1_S1_PKfiPKii
         U _ZN11dgCollision4rttiE
         U _ZN11dgCollisionC2EPFvPvS0_jES0_
         U _ZN17dgConvexCollision4rttiE
         U _ZN21dgPolygonSoupDatabase4rttiE
         U _ZN7dgWorld17CreatePolygonSoupERK18dgPolysoupCreation
         U _ZN7dgWorld23CreateFromSerializationEi13dgCollisionIDPFvPvS1_jES1_
         U _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE@@CXXABI_1.3
         U _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE@@CXXABI_1.3
         U _ZTVN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE@@CXXABI_1.3
         U _ZdlPv@@GLIBCXX_3.4
         U __cxa_atexit@@GLIBC_2.1.3
         w __cxa_finalize@@GLIBC_2.1.3
         U __cxa_guard_abort@@CXXABI_1.3
         U __cxa_guard_acquire@@CXXABI_1.3
         U __cxa_guard_release@@CXXABI_1.3
         U __cxa_pure_virtual@@CXXABI_1.3
         w __gmon_start__
         U __gxx_personality_v0@@CXXABI_1.3
         U __memcpy_chk@@GLIBC_2.3.4
         U __memset_chk@@GLIBC_2.3.4
         U __sprintf_chk@@GLIBC_2.3.4
         U __stack_chk_fail@@GLIBC_2.4
         U fclose@@GLIBC_2.1
         U feof@@GLIBC_2.0
         U fflush@@GLIBC_2.0
         U fgetc@@GLIBC_2.0
         U fgets@@GLIBC_2.0
         U fopen@@GLIBC_2.1
         U fread@@GLIBC_2.0
         U free@@GLIBC_2.0
         U fseek@@GLIBC_2.0
         U ftell@@GLIBC_2.0
         U fwrite@@GLIBC_2.0
         U malloc@@GLIBC_2.0
         U memcpy@@GLIBC_2.0
         U memmove@@GLIBC_2.0
         U memset@@GLIBC_2.0
         U pow@@GLIBC_2.0
         U pthread_create
         U pthread_join
         U rewind@@GLIBC_2.0
         U sched_yield@@GLIBC_2.0
         U setvbuf@@GLIBC_2.0
         U strcpy@@GLIBC_2.0
         U sysconf@@GLIBC_2.0
         U ungetc@@GLIBC_2.0
         U usleep@@GLIBC_2.0

shows a lot of undefined references.

Any idea what is going on?
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Joined: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:49 am

Re: Newton 2.0 Archemedia Open Beta

Postby martinsm » Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:52 am

Hm.. actually it seems that it can not be done.
I also tried to extract all object files from static archive (ar x libNewton.a). And then link those *.o files to shared library:
Code: Select all
g++ -shared -o -Wl,--whole-archive,-soname, *.o

But I'm getting error message:
Code: Select all
/usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a(elf-init.oS): In function `__libc_csu_init':
(.text+0x2b): undefined reference to `__init_array_end'
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/libc_nonshared.a(elf-init.oS): relocation R_386_GOTOFF against undefined hidden symbol `__init_array_end' can not be used when making a shared object
/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: Bad value
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

It seems that source code should be build with -shared flag for object files be able to link in shared library. I think only option here (besides writing your own shared library wrapper for static Newton library) is for Julio to build and distribute shared libraries for MacOSX and Linux same as for Windows you distribute both shared (dll) and static (lib) libraries of Newton.
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Re: Newton 2.0 Archemedia Open Beta

Postby Aphex » Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:12 am

My CustomVehicleJoint goes crazy on the public beta (flies off to Venus). Was working fine on an older beta. Anything changed much there?
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Re: Newton 2.0 Archemedia Open Beta

Postby Julio Jerez » Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:23 am

Of I will mak eteh shared lib.

Aphex nothing should behave different.
Julio Jerez
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Re: Newton 2.0 Archemedia Open Beta

Postby predaeus » Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:20 pm

Thanks Julio!

I think that problem you had is related to 'man ld' section about --whole-archive. It basically says you need to specify --no-whole-archive at the end of the command because gcc might add files to the list for ld.
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Re: Newton 2.0 Archemedia Open Beta

Postby Julio Jerez » Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:16 am

Aphex wrote:My CustomVehicleJoint goes crazy on the public beta (flies off to Venus). Was working fine on an older beta. Anything changed much there?

Are you using teh ray cast car?
Thre was a bug because eI hack the joint when I was debugging some code, it id fine now than to Master Dave Gravel how re wroet teh joint completedly.

I edit teh main post to add the demo, maybe you can check it out
Julio Jerez
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Re: Newton 2.0 Archemedia Open Beta

Postby white tiger » Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:29 am

1) on CustomJoints, set the "quadratic" solver mode and the joint between the two boxes on the air literally goes crazy. it starts to move up and down. this does not happen with linear solvers

2) on my machine the FPS is always 59.9999

3) have the same problem Aphex. The raycast car goes to moon at a certain point in the track

4) it would be cool to stop the camera from moving itself. it's really frustating. use keyboard instead

4) a minor thing. please do not use rar. it's a proprietary file format. use 7-zip instead

other than that, thanks for it. really a good work. keep it up :wink:

EDIT: where is the documentation?

EDIT2: Where is the NewtonContact structure?
white tiger
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