oTakhi Platform: creating games without c/c++ coding

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oTakhi Platform: creating games without c/c++ coding

Postby mr.otakhi » Mon Jan 18, 2010 1:08 pm


With great pleasure, I would like to introduce a new game development and publishing platform to the newton game dynamics user community. It is called the oTakhi Platform ( it is a love child between Mozilla and Ogre and blessed by Newton. Hopefully, it is not as ugly as either but smart as Newton.)

Unlike other game engines, oTakhi is a cloud computing platform (Software as a Service) where all local hardware and computing resources are exported and encapsulated by 34 widgets that can be mixed and combined by you, following some higher level application logic, to form web applications and 3d games that are sharable with other users.

oTakhi platform provides an Object-Oriented framework, not at the code level but at the visual interface level, that allows user to create intermediary autonomous objects to share with other developers. These shared objects can later be reused in different apps.

Integrating powerful game engine within a browser engine, oTakhi platform allows any web developer to create games without writing a single line of low-level code. Furthermore, because of oTakhi's unique component-based architechture and communal development environment, members can share 3D digital assets not only as individual files but also as autonomous entities made of multiple 3D models, sound tracks, and behavior.

A few sample objects that I published earlier can be found at http://www.otakhi.com. This site will host the global repository for all such objects and web apps.

Here is a screen shot of the oTakhi client software in action:


A few videos can be found here:


The user manual is here (still a work in progress.)


Currently we are doing a Developer Preview Release. We are looking for a few brave souls who will like to consider using our platform for developing cloud-based 3d games. We will work with these early adopters to continue polishing our platform and also provide a co-marketing opportunity when the game is released ( or perhaps follow a share-revenue model when we start attracting ad money.)

For these early adopters, we will provide unlimited storage space and channel to provide feedback and bug report.

If you are a serious game developer and consider using our platform, please visit this link to signup:


and this link to download and install the client software:


Please provide links to your previous work as reference when signing up.

While youtube allows users share videos, otakhi allows users share applications and games (and components). This is a much bigger market and we can all retire soon.

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Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:45 pm

Re: oTakhi Platform: creating games without c/c++ coding

Postby mr.otakhi » Thu Jan 21, 2010 1:02 pm

To answer some of your questions:

1. What is oTakhi Platform?

oTakhi Platform is a community for sharing a global repository of reconfigurable cloud objects and web applications contributed by its members. It is also an object-oriented framework through which a member can build wide variety of web apps by simply mixing and combining shared objects inside a drag-and-drop visual editing tool called Condenser. Shared objects are encrypted both in transit and in storage by the underlying security infrastructure which also provides other security services including member authentication, authorization, and access control.

2. Is oTakhi Platform a browser application?

No. Rather, it is an application browser. It uses embedded browser engine to launch user applications and provide the object-oriented framework and security infrastructure necessary for protecting object and application exchanges among members over the insecure Internet.

3. How is oTakhi Platform different from Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, Adobe Air, or Facebook Apps?

oTakhi Platform allows sharing of highly structured information among members - structures that are defined by end-users themselves. Other platforms impose rigid templates dictating the way information can be shared, often by the application servers, and inadvertently limit the scope of their usefulness.

oTakhi Platform allows both top-down and bottom-up approaches on modeling information, whereas other platforms allows only bottom-up. The result is that the other platforms are designed by programmers for programmers, whereas oTakhi Platform allows end-users to design high-level information models that are later substantiated by lower-level widgets and shared objects.

oTakhi Platform offers application level end-to-end data confidentiality, while other platforms rely solely on SSL which terminates pre-maturely at the web servers. Consequently, system and network administartors are able to tap into company network and read user data in plain text.

oTakhi Platform is the first cloud-based, hardware-accelerated 3D game development and publishing platform.

4. How do I create web applications using oTakhi Platform?

Applications are created using a visual programming tool called Condenser. Mimicking the process of cloud formation, a user drag-and-drops from a set of pre-built widgets called molecules into programmable containers called droplets. Droplets are mixed and combined into formations(a single page of presentation). Multiple formations are then combined into a web application. Watch an introductory video on how the tool works here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S--kaOg6a4E.

5. What are the deployment options for my web applications?

oTakhi web applications run inside the embedded browser of the oTakhi client software and can also be launched as stand-alone desktop applications.

Web applications are published and shared as close-sourced executables, and, if so desired, requiring micro-payments from its users. Instead of full-fledged applications, members can also publish individual droplets or formations which are open-sourced , allowing other team members to fine-tune its design.

A web application, formation, or droplet can all be shared privately with another member or a group of members and can also be published here and available to all members.

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Jan 12, 2010 9:45 pm

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