TV3D and Newton (again)

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TV3D and Newton (again)

Postby darqSHADOW » Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:25 pm

Well, our users have started to create more and more complex physics simulations over the past few months, so I thought I'd go ahead and share a small subset of the videos they've created.

This is from a post by Javin, one of our beta testers, showcasing Newton.

Ball bouncing into a brick wall:

Ball is source of "explosion" next to a brick wall:

Bowling Pin Physics (Note, this video was created to show glitches to the development team, and EVERY glitch pointed out here has been fixed already)

Vehicle (built in) having bricks dropped on top of it to show how the shocks work, and even react to changes in the "weight" of the chassis:

Overall video showing physics with the vehicles. (Ignore the stencil shadow glitch, as it is already being worked on by the Dev team):

Note: The low FPS in all of these is due to the fact that I have it dump a screenshot of the 1024x768 screen every frame. (I haven't found a video recorder that's any good.) So ignore that.

I figured I'd just throw these out there to let you guys drool a little. Keep in mind this ONLY shows the Physics portion of TV. It doesn't show the new shader support, built in glow maps/specular maps/normal maps/etc. Nor does it show the animated mesh morphing (could be used for lipsynching character's mouths), or any one of the hundreds of other additions to 6.5.

John Hart
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Truevision3D, LLC
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Aug 13, 2004 2:04 pm

Postby _Tux_ » Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:35 pm

wow, that last video is really impressive
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Postby Julio Jerez » Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:56 pm

Wow, I only have two words: Kick Ass!!!
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Postby vinhk » Tue Dec 14, 2004 2:47 am

Coooool !! the last 2 videos just brillion !!!!
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Postby Cheery » Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:09 am

Looks good. Nice car!

Shall I give a little tip?
Stencil shadows are slow and too sharp. :wink:
Use projection shadows instead it or something same kind. It looks better.
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Postby darqSHADOW » Tue Dec 14, 2004 2:00 pm

Stencil shadows are slow and too sharp.
Use projection shadows instead it or something same kind. It looks better.

The stencil shadows were created via a few simple engine calls. The TV3D SDK is designed around ease of use, with power and flexibility. Our stencil shadows run great, and the flaws you see in the videos have been fixed. We also offer more advanced effects, and you can load or create your own shaders as well, but things like Stencil shadows, Sub-surface scattering, depth of field, etc are all built into the engine and optimized internally, allowing them to run much faster than most of the competing engines. The art in this was not meant to be pretty, it was meant to show off the physics interacting with the 3D engine, we have the official demos coming out soon which use normalmapped models (4+ million polys each), and full effects, along with the physics.

As a side note, here's the entire snippet of code required to setup a vehicle:

Code: Select all
Car.ChassisID = .CreateMeshBody(1000, Car.Chassis, TV_BODY_CONVEXHULL, False)
Car.VehicleID = .CreateVehicle(Car.ChassisID)
Car.WheelID(0) = .AddVehicleWheelEx(Car.VehicleID, 35, 0.3, 0.35, Vector(1, 0, 0), -0.85, -0.15, 1.125, , , , Car.sLength, Car.sShock, Car.sSpring, Car.Wheel(0))
Car.WheelID(1) = .AddVehicleWheelEx(Car.VehicleID, 35, 0.3, 0.35, Vector(1, 0, 0), -0.85, -0.15, -1.525, , , , Car.sLength, Car.sShock, Car.sSpring, Car.Wheel(1))
Car.WheelID(2) = .AddVehicleWheelEx(Car.VehicleID, 35, 0.3, 0.35, Vector(1, 0, 0), 0.85, -0.15, 1.125, , , , Car.sLength, Car.sShock, Car.sSpring, Car.Wheel(2))
Car.WheelID(3) = .AddVehicleWheelEx(Car.VehicleID, 35, 0.3, 0.35, Vector(1, 0, 0), 0.85, -0.15, -1.525, , , , Car.sLength, Car.sShock, Car.sSpring, Car.Wheel(3))
.Balance Car.VehicleID

All of the callbacks that Newton provides are handled internally, making physics easy for anyone to use. A few simple setup calls to create your bodies, and then run the Simulate function. You can still request info from the physics, such as collision id's between bodies, material interaction, etc, but the interface is cleaned up and ease to use.

John Hart
Project Manager
Truevision3D, LLC
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Aug 13, 2004 2:04 pm

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