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void NewtonConvexCollisionCalculateInertialMatrix( const NewtonCollision* convexCollision, dFloat* inertia, dFloat* origin)


Calculate the three principal axis and the the values of the inertia matrix of a convex collision objects.


  • const NewtonCollision convexCollision - is the pointer to a convex collision primitive.
  • dFloat *inertia - pointer to and array of a least 3 floats to hold the values of the principal inertia.
  • dFloat *origin - pointer to and array of a least 3 floats to hold the values of the center of mass for the principal inertia.


  • This function calculate a general inertial matrix for arbitrary convex collision including compound collisions.
  • It should be noted that the generated inertia values should be multiplied by the object mass before calling NewtonBodySetMassMatrix

See also

NewtonBodySetMassMatrix NewtonBodyGetMassMatrix NewtonBodySetCentreOfMass NewtonBodyGetCentreOfMass